Basket Raffle and Baked Potato Bar

Hope Lutheran Church 35 Ridge Ave, Homer CIty, PA

Prices: Adults $12 includes Baked Potato Bar, beverages, desserts & 10 basket chance tickets. Children: (17 & under) $5.00 a meal only. Additional basket chances are $5 for 25. Will also have 50/50 raffle tickets for purchase. Advanced tickets are …

Hoagie Sale

Hope Lutheran Church 35 Ridge Ave, Homer CIty, PA

Sub sale 10 am-noon, you may preorder by signing up in the narthex or calling the church office at 724-479-9431. 18-inch Italian hoagies (ham, salami, provolone, and veggies with condiments) $10!!!

$10 – $18

Basket Raffle & Baked Potato Bar

Hope Lutheran Church 35 Ridge Ave, Homer CIty, PA

Doors Open at 4:00 PM * Food will be served at 5:00 PM * Drawings at 6:30 PM * Winners need not be present at time of drawing Adults: $12 includes food, drink, dessert & 10 basket tickets. Children (17 …

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