Proclamation: Indiana County Walks Day April 23, 2022

Everyone is encouraged in Indiana County to ‘get out and walk’ on Saturday, April 23, 2022 in recognition of the proclamation: Indiana County Walks Day!

Dr. Patrick’s Walking Tour of Indiana will start on the IUP Oak Grove at 10:00 am this Saturday (April 23, 2022), and proceed on the route depicted by the map attempting to arrive at the points depicted around the time designated. Join them for all or any part of the trip.  Dr. Patrick’s Walking Tour will pass through the 6th Street core of the Downtown Indiana National Register Historic District, as well as parts of Church Street, Vinegar Hill, and Philadelphia Street.  Dr. Patrick’s Walking Tour of Indiana is an IUP collaboration with Downtown Indiana’s self-guided Arts Walk taking place on the same day.  Find out more about WalkWorks in Indiana County.

Proclamation for Walk Works

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