America250PA Indiana County Becomes Monthly Feature in Indiana Gazette

Working closely with the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) and the Indiana Gazette, ICTB is proud to announce that America 250PA Indiana County will become a monthly feature within the Indiana Gazette in preparation for the nation’s Semiquincentennial in 2026.

The first article, entitled “Local Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter Partners with America250,” was recently featured in the Indiana Gazette and written by Debbie Bier, DAR Regent.

To read the entire article, click here.  Find a list of Indiana County American Revolution Patriots here.

 Anyone who would like to submit America250 Indiana County news and/or information to be published in the column should reach out to our office, (724) 463-7505 or email

Pictured above: Members of the DAR Indiana County Chapter, from left: Marcia Kovalak, Mary Sleppy, Debbie Bier, Kathie Chain and Carol White.

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