Christmas Tree Arrives in IRMC Park – A Glimpse at the Process

Hard to believe that another year has flown by the holiday season is once again upon us.  Each year, IRMC Park is transformed into the headquarters for the First Commonwealth Bank’s “It’s A Wonderful Life” Festival (IAWL) and the Lucy Donnelly Memorial Fund Light Up Night and Holiday Parade which kicks off every year the Friday before Thanksgiving.

Each August, the selection process begins to find the “perfect”, larger-than-life Christmas tree that will take center stage in IRMC Park.  This year, a 30-foot Concolor Fir tree was selected from the home of Dennis and Elaine Thurston in Homer City, PA and is courtesy of Nathan Johnston of Johnston Nursery Landscaping in honor of his father, Dave, and grandfather, Beryl.

Early on Monday, November 13, the tree was transported from Homer City to IRMC Park in downtown Indiana, where it will remain through the holiday season.

Ever wonder how the process works to remove the tree from it’s current location and transport it to its new home in IRMC Park?  Thanks to our friend Nick Schmidt from the Indiana County Office of Planning & Development, we have beautiful drone footage to share! Special thanks to the crew from Don Huey Custom Building & Remodeling as well as Sky Point Crane for once again providing a seamless transition from the original tree location to installation in IRMC Park!

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